Accounting System of Scientific Activity (ASSA)


Polina Kisaretova

Department: Sector of Psychoneuropharmacology
Head: Laboratory of aggression neuroimmunology
Pluralist: Laboratory of psychoneuroimmunology
Room: 4130
Email: kisaretova@bionet.nsc.ru


2024 Mechanisms of Adaptation of the Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Adrenal Axis in Male Mice in Chronic Social Defeat Stress
A. A. Sapronova, Yu.A. Ryabushkina, P. E. Kisaretova, N. P. Bondar
[Neuroscience Behavioral Physiology]
Механизмы адаптации гипоталамо-гипофизарно-надпочечниковой системы у самцов мышей под влиянием хронического стресса социальных поражений
А.А. Сапронова, Ю.А. Рябушкина, П.Э. Кисаретова, Н. П. Бондарь
[Журнал высшей нервной деятельности]
2023 Molecular Abnormalities in BTBR Mice and Their Relevance to Schizophrenia and Autism Spectrum Disorders: An Overview of Transcriptomic and Proteomic Studies
Polina Kisaretova, Anton Tsybko,Natalia P Bondar, Vasiliy V Reshetnikov
Repeated Experience of Aggression Changes in Gene Expression in the Hypothalamus in Male Mice of Two Strains
A. A. Sapronova, P. E. Kisaretova, R. Salman, and N. P. Bondar
Длительный опыт агрессии изменяет экспрессию генов в гипоталамусе самцов мышей двух линий
А. А. Сапронова, П. Э. Кисаретова, Р. Салман, Н. П. Бондарь
2022 Changes in the number and morphology of blood cells in mice pretreated with RNA preparations and exposed to 8 Gy of gamma radiation
Dubatolova TD, Ritter GS, Proskurina AS, Kisaretova PE, Nikolin VP, Popova NA, Ruzanova VS, Taranov OS, Kolchanov NA, Bogachev SS
[International Journal of Radiation Research]
Transcriptome Alterations Caused by Social Defeat Stress of Various Durations in Mice and Its Relevance to Depression and Posttraumatic Stress Disorder in Humans: A Meta-Analysis.
Vasiliy V. Reshetnikov, Polina E. Kisaretova, Natalia P. Bondar
2021 Efficacy of the new therapeutic approach in curing malignant neoplasms on the model of human glioblastoma
Dolgova EV, Andrushkevich OM, Kisaretova PE, Proskurina AS, Ritter GS, Dubatolova TD, Romanenko MV, Taranov OS, Efremov YR, Zavyalov EL, Romaschenko AV, Mishinov SV, Kirikovich SS, Levites EV, Potter EA, Ostanin AA, Chernykh ER, Roshchin SY, Bervitskiy AV, Moysak GI, Rzaev JA, Bogachev SS.
[Cancer Biology & Medicine]
High-resolution MRI data of the brain of C57BL/6J and BTBR mice in three anatomical views
Yulia A.Ryabushkina,Oleg B.Shevelev,Polina E.Kisaretova, Nikita G.Sozonov, Kseniya A.Ayriyants, Natalya P.Bondar, Vasiliy V.Reshetnikov
[Data in Brief]
Social defeat stress in adult mice causes alterations in gene expression, alternative splicing, and the epigenetic landscape of H3K4me3 in the prefrontal cortex: An impact of early-life stress
V.V.Reshetnikov P.E.Kisaretova N.I.Ershov T.I.Merkulova N.P.Bondar
2020 Approbation of the cancer treatment approach based on the eradication of TAMRA+ cancer stem cells in a model of murine cyclophosphamide resistant lymphosarcoma
Kisaretova PE, Kirikovich SS, Ritter GS, Efremov YR, Taranov OS, Dubatolova TD, Proskurina AS, Potter EA, Dolgova EV, Sidorov SV, Ostanin AA, Chernych ER, Bogachev SS.
Characterization of biological peculiarities of the radioprotective activity of double-stranded RNA isolated from Saccharomyces сerevisiae
Ritter GS, Nikolin VP, Popova NA, Proskurina AS, Kisaretova PE, Taranov OS, Dubatolova TD, Dolgova EV, Potter EA, Kirikovich SS, Efremov YR, Bayborodin SI, Romanenko MV, Meschaninova MI, Venyaminova AG, Kolchanov NA, Shurdov MA, Bogachev SS.
Data of correlation analysis between the density of H3K4me3 in promoters of genes and gene expression: data from RNA-seq and ChIP-seq analyses of the murine prefrontal cortex
V.V.Reshetnikov, P.E.Kisaretova, N.I.Ershov, T.I.Merkulova, N.P.Bondar
[Data in Brief]
Genes associated with cognitive performance in the Morris water maze: an RNA-seq study
Vasiliy V. Reshetnikov, Polina E. Kisaretova, Nikita I. Ershov, Anastasia S. Shulyupova, Dmitry Yu. Oshchepkov, Natalia V. Klimova, Anna V. Ivanchihina, Tatiana I. Merkulova, Natalia P. Bondar
Характеристика активной субстанции препарата дрожжей Saccharomyces сerevisiae, обладающей радиопротекторными свойствами
Риттер Г.С., Николин В.П., Попова Н.А., Проскурина А.С., Кисаретова П.Э., Таранов О.С., Дубатолова Т.Д., Долгова Е.В., Поттер Е.А., Кирикович С.С., Ефремов Я.Р., Байбородин С.И., Романенко М.В., Мещанинова М.И., Веньяминова А.Г., Колчанов Н.А., Богачев С.С.
[Vavilov journal of genetics and breeding]
2019 Identification of the xenograft and its ascendant sphere-forming cell line as belonging to EBV-induced lymphoma, and characterization of the status of sphere-forming cells
Dolgova EV, Petrova DD, Proskurina AS, Ritter GS, Kisaretova PE, Potter EA, Efremov YR, Bayborodin SI, Karamysheva TV, Romanenko MV, Netesov SV, Taranov OS, Ostanin AA, Chernykh ER, Bogachev SS.
2018 Оценка эффективности эрадикации стволовых инициирующих раковых клеток на примере асцитной формы гепатокарциномы мыши Г-29
Поттер Е.А., Риттер Г.С., Долгова Е.В., Проскурина А.С., Кисаретова П.Э., Ефремов Я.Р., Николин В.П., Попова Н.А., Таранов О.С., Останин А.А., Черных Е.Р., Сидоров С.В., Колчанов Н.А., Богачев С.С.
[Вопросы онкологии]
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