Accounting System of Scientific Activity (ASSA)


Elena Denisova

Department: -
Pluralist: Laboratory of metabolic stress
Room: 3513
Email: LenaD@bionet.nsc.ru
Work phone: +7 (383) 363-49-63*3513


2024 Influence of leptin administration to pregnant mice on fetal gene expression and adaptation to sweet and fatty food in adult offspring of different sexes
Денисова Е.И., Макарова Е.Н.
[Vavilov journal of genetics and breeding]
2023 Genetic Obesity in Pregnant Ay Mice Does Not Affect Susceptibility to Obesity and Food Choice in Offspring
Макарова Е.Н., Дубинина А.Д., Денисова Е.И., Казанцева А.Ю.
2021 Влияние введения лептина беременным самкам мышей на развитие ожирения, вкусовые предпочтения и экспрессию генов в печени и мышцах у потомства разного пола
Е.И. Денисова, М.М. Савинкова, Е.Н. Макарова
[Vavilov journal of genetics and breeding]
Influence of leptin administration to pregnant female mice on obesity development, taste preferences, and gene expression in the liver and muscles of their male and female offspring
Денисова Е.И., Савинкова М.М., Макарова Е.Н.
[Vavilov journal of genetics and breeding]
Fibroblast Growth Factor 21 (FGF21) Administration Sex-Specifically Affects Blood Insulin Levels and Liver Steatosis in Obese Ay Mice
Elena Makarova, Antonina Kazantseva, Anastasia Dubinina, Elena Denisova, Tatiana Jakovleva, Natalia Balybina, Nataliya Bgatova, Konstantin Baranov and Nadezhda Bazhan
2020 Pharmacological effects of fibroblast growth factor 21 are sex-specific in mice with the lethal yellow (Ay) mutation
MakarovaE.N., Yakovleva T.V., Balyibina N.Yu., Baranov K.O., Denisova E.I., Dubinina A.D., Feofanova N.A., Bazhan N.M.
[Vavilov journal of genetics and breeding]
2019 Sex Differences in Liver, Adipose Tissue, and Muscle Transcriptional Response to Fasting and Refeeding in Mice
Bazhan N, Jakovleva T, Feofanova N, Denisova E, Dubinina A, Sitnikova N, Makarova E.
Sex Dimorphism in the Fgf21 Gene Expression in Liver and Adipose Tissues is Dependent on the Metabolic Condition
Bazhan N., JakovlevaT., Balyibina N., Dubinina A., Denisova E., Feofanova N., Makarova E.
[Online journal of biological sciences]
Sex-specific effects of leptin administration to pregnant mice on the placentae and the metabolic phenotypes of offspring.
Denisova E.I. Kozhevnikova V.V. Bazhan N.M. Makarova E.N.
[FEBS Open Bio]
2018 Гендер-специфическое влияние мутации Аy у мышей на метаболический фенотип потомства, рост плодов и экспрессию генов в плацентах
Макарова Е.Н., Денисова Е.И., Кожевникова В.В., Кулешова А.Е
[Vavilov journal of genetics and breeding]
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