Accounting System of Scientific Activity (ASSA)


Oleg Shevelev

Department: Laboratory of High-TechnologyPhenotyping of Laboratory Animals as Genetic Models of Human Disorders
Pluralist: Laboratory of the prenatal control of development
Room: 7106
Email: shevelev@bionet.nsc.ru
Work phone: +7 (383) 363-49-63*7106


2023 Dexamethasone Inhibits Heparan Sulfate Biosynthetic System and Decreases Heparan Sulfate Content in Orthotopic Glioblastoma Tumors in Mice
Dmitry K. Sokolov, Oleg B. Shevelev, Anna S. Khotskina, Alexandra Y. Tsidulko, Anastasia V. Strokotova, Galina M. Kazanskaya, Alexander M. Volkov, Evgenii E. Kliver, Svetlana V. Aidagulova, Evgenii L. Zavjalov, Elvira V. Grigorieva
In vivo MRS study of long-term effects of traumatic intracranial injection of a culture medium in mice.
Shevelev O.B., Cherkasova O.P., Razumov I.A., Zavjalov E.L.,
[Vavilov journal of genetics and breeding]
[Вопросы онкологии]
2022 Analysis of Mouse Blood Serum in the Dynamics of U87 Glioblastoma by Terahertz Spectroscopy and Machine Learning
Vrazhnov, D.; Knyazkova, A.; Konnikova, M.; Shevelev, O.; Razumov, I.; Zavjalov, E.; Kistenev, Y.; Shkurinov, A.; Cherkasova, O.
[Applied Sciences-Basel]
In vivo hypotensive effect of aminosilanol-based nanocomposites bearing antisense oligonucleotides
Asya Levina, Marina Repkova, Maxim Kupryushkin, Alisa Seryapina, Oleg Shevelev, Dmitrii Pyshnyi, Valentina Zarytova, Arcady Markel
Paradoxical Anxiety Level Reduction in Animal Chronic Stress: A Unique Role of Hippocampus Neurobiology
Vadim Tseilikman, Andrey Akulov, Oleg Shevelev, Anna Khotskina, Galina Kontsevaya, Mikhail Moshkin, Julia Fedotova, Anton Pashkov, Olga Tseilikman, Eduard Agletdinov, David Tseilikman, Marina Kondashevskaya, Evgenii Zavjalov
2021 Chemotherapy-Induced Degradation of Glycosylated Components of the Brain Extracellular Matrix Promotes Glioblastoma Relapse Development in an Animal Model
Alexandra Y. Tsidulko, Oleg B. Shevelev, Anna S. Khotskina, Mariia A. Kolpakova, Anastasia V. Suhovskih, Galina M. Kazanskaya, Alexander M. Volkov, Svetlana V. Aidagulova, Evgenii L. Zavyalov and Elvira V. Grigorieva
[Frontiers in Oncology]
Diagnosis of Glioma Molecular Markers by Terahertz Technologies
Olga Cherkasova, Yan Peng, Maria Konnikova, Yuri Kistenev, Chenjun Shi, Denis Vrazhnov, Oleg Shevelev, Evgeny Zavjalov, Sergei Kuznetsov, Alexander Shkurinov
High-resolution MRI data of the brain of C57BL/6J and BTBR mice in three anatomical views
Yulia A.Ryabushkina,Oleg B.Shevelev,Polina E.Kisaretova, Nikita G.Sozonov, Kseniya A.Ayriyants, Natalya P.Bondar, Vasiliy V.Reshetnikov
[Data in Brief]
In Vitro 1H NMR Metabolic Profiles of Liver, Brain, and Serum in Rats After Chronic Consumption of Alcohol
Mariya S. Pravdivtseva, Oleg B. Shevelev, Vadim V. Yanshole, Mikhail P. Moshkin, Igor V. Koptyug, Andrey E. Akulov
Rational Design of Albumin Theranostic Conjugates for Gold Nanoparticles Anticancer Drugs: Where the Seed Meets the Soil?
Tatyana V. Popova, Inna A. Pyshnaya, Olga D. Zakharova, Andrey E. Akulov, Oleg B. Shevelev, Julia Poletaeva, Evgenii L. Zavjalov, Vladimir N. Silnikov, Elena I. Ryabchikova and Tatyana S. Godovikova
Smart Design of a pH-Responsive System Based on pHLIP-Modified Magnetite Nanoparticles for Tumor MRI
Alexander M. Demin, Alexandra G. Pershina, Artem S. Minin, Olga Ya. Brikunova, Aidar M. Murzakaev, Natalya A. Perekucha, Alexander V. Romashchenko, Oleg B. Shevelev, Mikhail A. Uimin, Iliya V. Byzov, Dina Malkeyeva, Elena Kiseleva, Lina V. Efimova, Sergey V. Vtorushin, Ludmila M. Ogorodova, Victor P. Krasnov
2020 Offensive behavior, striatal glutamate metabolites, and limbic–hypothalamic–pituitary–adrenal responses to stress in chronic anxiety.
Ullmann, E., Chrousos, G., Perry, S.W., Wong, M.-L., Licinio, J., Bornstein, S.R., Tseilikman, O., Komelkova, M., Lapshin, M.S., Vasilyeva, M., Zavjalov, E., Shevelev, O., Khotskin, N., Koncevaya, G., Khotskina, A.S., Moshkin, M., Cherkasova, O., Sarapultsev, A., Ibragimov, R., Kritsky, I., Fegert, J.M.
Radiochemotherapy-induced changes in brain extracellular matrix are associated with tumour development in mouse recurrent glioblastoma model
Tsidulko A., Suhovskih A., Kolpakova M., Politko M., Kazanskaya G., Volkov A., Pashkovskaya O., Kuper K., Shevelev O., Zavjalov E, S. Aidagulova, E. Grigorieva
Effect of Silicon Dioxide Nanoparticles on Syrian Hamsters Infected by Opisthorchis felineus: 1H MRS Study of the Brain
M. N. Lvova, O. B. Shevelev, V. V. Serdobintseva, D. V. Kalinin, D. A. Starostenko, E. L. Zavjalov, A. L. Krivoshapkin, P. V. Logachev, V. A. Mordvinov, D. F. Avgustinovich
[Doklady Biochemistry and Biophysics]
Supporting data and methods for the characterization of iron oxide nanoparticles conjugated with pH-(low)-insertion peptide, testing their cytotoxicity and analyses of biodistribution in SCID mice bearing MDA-MB231 tumor.
Alexandra G.Pershina, Olga Ya. Brikunova, Natalya A.Perekucha, Alexander M.Demin, Oleg B.Shevelev, Dina Malkeyeva, Elena Kiseleva, Artem S.Minin, Larisa A.Kostikova, Ivan V.Stepanov, Dmitriy K.Kuznetsov, Vladimir Ya.Shur, Victor P.Krasnov
[Data in Brief]
pH-triggered delivery of magnetic nanoparticles depends on tumor volume.
Pershina AG, Brikunova OY, Demin AM, Shevelev OB, Razumov IA, Zavjalov EL, Malkeyeva D, Kiseleva E, Krakhmal' NV, Vtorushin SV, Yarnykh VL, Ivanov VV, Pleshko RI, Krasnov VP, Ogorodova LM.
Влияние наночастиц диоксида кремния на сирийских хомячков, инфицированных Opisthorchis felineus: 1 МРС исследование головного мозга
М. Н. Львова, О. Б. Шевелев, В. В. Сердобинцева, Д. В. Калинин, Д. А. Старостенко, Е. Л. Завьялов, А. Л. Кривошапкин, П. В. Логачев, В. А. Мордвинов, Д. Ф. Августинович
[Доклады РАН. Науки о жизни]
2019 Anxiety and neurometabolite levels in the hippocampus and amygdala after prolonged exposure to predator-scent stress.
Shevelev O.B., Tseilikman V.E., Khotskin N.V., Khotskina A.S., Kontsevaya G.V., Lapshin M.S., Moshkin M.P., Komelkova M.V., Feklicheva I.V., Tseilikman O.B., Manukhina E.B., Downey H.F., Zavjalov E.L.
[Vavilov journal of genetics and breeding]
From Allostatic Load to Allostatic State-An Endogenous Sympathetic Strategy to Deal With Chronic Anxiety and Stress?
Ullmann E, Perry SW, Licinio J, Wong ML, Dremencov E, Zavjalov EL, Shevelev OB, Khotskin NV, Koncevaya GV, Khotshkina AS, Moshkin MP, Lapshin MS, Komelkova MV, Feklicheva IV, Tseilikman OB, Cherkasova OP, Bhui KS, Jones E, Kirschbaum C, Bornstein SR, Tseilikman V.
[Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience]
On association of the lethal yellow (AY) mutation in the agouti gene with the alterations in mouse brain and behavior
Khotskin NV, Plyusnina AV, Kulikova EA, Bazhenova EY, Fursenko DV, Sorokin IE, Kolotygin I, Mormede P, Terenina EE, Shevelev OB, Kulikov AV.
Таргетная терапия глиобластомы человека с использованием онколитического потенциала парвовируса и аттенуированных штаммов вируса осповакцины.
Ткачева А.В., Сиволобова Г.Ф., Гражданцева А.А., Шевелев О.Б., Разумов И.А., Завьялов Е.Л., Локтев В.Б., Кочнева Г.В.
[Молекулярная генетика, микробиология и вирусология]
2018 Biotin-decorated anti-cancer nucleotide theranostic conjugate of human serum albumin: Where the seed meets the soil?
Popova T.V., Khan H., Chubarov A.S., Lisitskiy V.A., Antonova N.M., Akulov A.E., Shevelev O.B., Zavjalov E.L., Silnikov V.N., Ahmad S., Godovikova T.S.
GC-based chemoprofile of lipophilic compounds in Altaian Ganoderma lucidum sample.
Shevelev OB, Seryapina AA, Zavjalov EL, Gerlinskaya LA, Goryachkovskaya TN, Slynko NM, Kuibida LV, Peltek SE, Markel AL, Moshkin MP.
[Data in Brief]
Hypotensive and neurometabolic effects of intragastric Reishi (Ganoderma lucidum) administration in hypertensive ISIAH rat strain
Oleg B.Shevelev, Alisa A.Seryapina, Evgenii L.Zavjalov, Lyudmila A.Gerlinskaya, Tatiana N.Goryachkovskaya, Nikolay M.Slynko, Leonid V.Kuibida, Sergey E.Peltek, Arcady L.Markel, Mikhail P.Moshkin
Влияние ингибитора гликолиза (2-ДГ) и разобщителя окисления и фосфорилирования (2,4-ДНФ) на метаболиты головного мозга
О.Б. Шевелев, М.П. Мошкин
[Vavilov journal of genetics and breeding]
Влияние однократного введения стрептозотоцина на метаболиты гиппокампа мышей линии NODSCID
Д.А. Тур, О.Б. Шевелев, М.Б. Шарапова, М.А. Золотых, А.Е. Акулов
[Vavilov journal of genetics and breeding]
2017 Магнитно-резонансная спектроскопия нейрометаболитов гиппокампа и стриатума при синдроме посттравматических стрессорных расстройств
Цейликман В.Э., Шевелев О.Б., Хоцкин Н.В., Доценко А.С., Концевая Г.В., Лапшин М.С., Мошкин М.П., Комелькова М.В., Фекличева И.В., Цейликман О.Б., Дременков И.В., Завьялов Е.Л.
[Vavilov journal of genetics and breeding]
Effects of a compound from the group of substituted thiadiazines with hypothermia inducing properties on brain metabolism in rats, a study in vivo and in vitro.
Shevelev OB, Illarionova NB, Petrovski DV, Sarapultsev AP, Chupakhin ON, Moshkin MP.
[PloS One]
Magnetic resonance imaging and spectroscopy for differential assessment of liver abnormalities induced by Opisthorchis felineus in an animal model.
Pershina AG, Ivanov VV, Efimova LV, Shevelev OB, Vtorushin SV, Perevozchikova TV, Sazonov AE, Ogorodova LM.
Multifunctional human serum albumin-therapeutic nucleotide conjugate with redox and pH-sensitive drug release mechanism for cancer theranostics
Vladimir A. Lisitskiy, Hamda Khan, Tatyana V. Popova, Alexey S. Chubarov, Olga D. Zakharova, Andrey E. Akulov, Oleg B. Shevelev, Evgenii L. Zavjalov, Igor V. Koptyug, Mikhail P. Moshkin, Vladimir N. Silnikov, Saheem Ahmad, Tatiana S. Godovikova
Stress-sensitive arterial hypertension, hemodynamic changes and brain metabolites in hypertensive ISIAH rats: MRI investigation
A.A. Seryapina, O.B. Shevelev, A.L. Markel, M.P. Moshkin, A.E. Akulov
2016 3-Aminopropylsilane-modified iron oxide nanoparticles for contrast-enhanced magnetic resonance imaging of liver lesions induced by Opisthorchis felineus.
Demin AM, Pershina AG, Ivanov VV, Nevskaya KV, Shevelev OB, Minin AS, Byzov IV, Sazonov AE, Krasnov VP, Ogorodova LM.
Brain metabolites in ISIAH and Wistar rats.
Shevelev O.B., Seryapina A.A., Markel A.L., Moshkin M.P.
[Russian Journal of Genetics: Applied Research]
Opportunities of high-technology phenotyping by the NMR spectroscopy method by example of the metabolic response of the rat liver to the effect of alcohol and Reishi
Krestina M.S., Shevelev O.B., Koptyug I.V., Gerlinskaya L.A., Peltek S.E., Akulov A.E.
[Russian Journal of Genetics: Applied Research]
Parameters of blood flow in great arteries in hypertensive ISIAH rats with stress-dependent arterial hypertension.
Seryapina A.A., Shevelev O.B., Moshkin M.P., Markel A.L.
Study of the neuronal response to olfactory stimuli in control and LPS-stimulated mice by functional magnetic resonance imaging.
Akulov A.E., Romashchenko A.V., Shevelev O.B., Petrovski D.V., Savelov A.A., Moshkin M.P.
[Russian Journal of Genetics: Applied Research]
А. С. Чубаров, А. Е. Акулов, О. Б. Шевелев, Е. Л. Завьялов, Т. С. Годовикова
[Сибирское медицинское обозрение]
Характеристика кровотока по магистральным артериям у гипертензивных крыс линии НИСАГ (ISIAH) со стресс-зависимой артериальной гипертонией
А.А. Серяпина, О.Б. Шевелев, М.П. Мошкин, А.Л. Маркель
2015 Hemozoin “knobs” in Opisthorchis felineus infected liver
Alexandra G. Pershina, Irina V. Saltykova, Vladimir V. Ivanov, Ekaterina A. Perina, Alexander M. Demin, Oleg B. Shevelev, Irina I. Buzueva, Anton K. Gutakovskii, Sergey V. Vtorushin, Ilya N. Ganebnykh, Victor P. Krasnov, Alexey E. Sazonov and Ludmila M. Ogorodova
Macromolecular Proton Fraction (MPF) Mapping Reveals Cortical Demyelination in the Cuprizone Model
Marina Yu Khodanovich, Irina V. Sorokina, Valentina Yu Glazacheva, Nikolay M. Nemirovich-Danchenko, Alexander V. Romashchenko, Andrey E. Akulov, Oleg B. Shevelev, Tatyana G. Tolstikova, Vasily L. Yarnykh.
Neurometabolic Effect of Altaian Fungus Ganoderma lucidum (Reishi Mushroom) in Rats Under Moderate Alcohol Consumption
Shevelev OB, Akulov AE, Dotsenko AS, Kontsevaya GV, Zolotykh MA, Gerlinskaya LA, Veprev SG, Goryachkovskaya TN, Zhukova NA, Kolchanov NA, Pel'tek SE, Moshkin MP.
Возможности высокотехнологичного фенотипирования методом спектроскопии ЯМР на примере метаболического отклика печени крыс на воздействие алкоголя и Рейши
М.С. Крестина, О.Б. Шевелев, И.В. Коптюг, Л.А. Герлинская, С.Е. Пельтек, А.Е. Акулов
[Vavilov journal of genetics and breeding]
Исследование методом функциональной магнитно-резонансной томографии нейрональной реакции на запаховые стимулы у контрольных и ЛПС-стимулированных мышей
Акулов А.Е., А.В. Ромащенко, О.Б. Шевелев, Д.В. Петровский, Савелов А.А., Мошкин М.П.
[Vavilov journal of genetics and breeding]
Метаболиты мозга у крыс линий НИСАГ и Вистар
О. Б. Шевелёв, А. А. Серяпина, А. Л. Маркель, М. П. Мошкин
[Vavilov journal of genetics and breeding]
2014 MS2 phage ribonucleoproteins as exogenous internal control for RT-qPCR data normalization in gene expression study of developing rat brain
Fedoseeva LA, Shevelev OB, Kolosova NG, Dymshits GM.
Рибонуклеопротеиновые частицы фага MS2 как экзогенный внутренний контроль для нормирования данных ОТ-ПЦР в исследовании экспрессии генов развивающегося мозга крысы
Федосеева Л.А., Шевелев О.Б., Колосова Н.Г., Дымшиц Г.М.
2012 Expression of Ext1, Ext2, and heparanase genes in brain of senescence-accelerated OXYS rats in early ontogenesis and during development of neurodegenerative changes.
Shevelev OB, Rykova VI, Fedoseeva LA, Leberfarb EY, Dymshits GM, Kolosova NG
Экспрессия Ext1, Ext2 и гепараназы в мозге преждевременно стареющих крыс OXYS в период раннего онтогенеза и развития нейродегенеративных изменений.
Шевелев О.Б., Рыкова В.И., Федосеева Л.А., Леберфарб Е.Ю., Дымшиц Г.М., Колосова Н.Г.
2011 Brain proteoglycans in postnatal development and during behavior decline in senescence-accelerated OXYS rats
Rykova V.I., Leberfarb E.Yu., Stefanova N.A., Shevelev O.V., Dymshits G.M., Kolosova N.G.
[Успехи геронтологии]
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