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2024 |
Does Long-Term Selection for Reactions to Humans Affect
Decision-Making during Learning in Foxes?
I.A. Mukhamedshina, A.V. Kharlamova
[Журнал высшей нервной деятельности]
Missing history of a modern domesticate: Historical
demographics and genetic diversity in farm-bred red fox
H.M. Rando, E.P. Alexander, S. Preckler-Quisquater,
C.B. Quinn, J.T. Stutchman, J.L. Johnson, E.R. Bastounes, B. Horecka, K.L. Black, M.P. Robson, D.V. Shepeleva, Y.E. Herbeck, A.V. Kharlamova, L.N. Trut, J.N. Pauli, B.N. Sacks, A.V. Kukekova
2023 |
A Putative Locus for Cranial-Size Variability
of the Fox (Vulpes vulpes)
A.V. Kharlamovaa, S.G. Shikhevich, A.V. Vladimirova, A.V. Kukekova, V.M. Efimov
The expression profile of genes associated with behavior, stress, and adult neurogenesis along the hippocampal dorsoventral axis in tame and aggressive foxes
Yu.V. Alexandrovich, E.V. Antonov, S.G. Shikhevich, A.V. Kharlamova, L.V. Meister, Y.V. Makovka, D.V. Shepeleva, R.G. Gulevich, Yu.E. Herbeck
[Vavilov journal of genetics and breeding]
Профиль экспрессии генов, связанных с регуляцией стресса, поведения и нейрогенеза, вдоль дорзовентральной оси в гиппокампе у взрослых ручных и агрессивных лисиц
Ю. В. Александрович, Е. В. Антонов, С. Г. Шихевич, А. В. Харламова, Л. В. Мейстер, Ю. В. Маковка, Д. В. Шепелева, Р. Г. Гулевич, Ю. Э. Гербек
[Vavilov journal of genetics and breeding]
2021 |
Эксперимент по доместикации лисиц и эволюция собак с позиции современных молекулярно-генетических и археологических данных
Трут Л.Н., Харламова А.В., Пилипенко А.С., Гербек Ю.Э.
2020 |
Belyaev's and PEI's Foxes: A Far Cry
Trut LN, Kharlamova AV, Herbeck YE
Hypothalamic transcriptome of tame and aggressive silver foxes (Vulpes vulpes) identifies gene expression differences shared across brain regions.
Rosenfeld CS, Hekman JP, Johnson JL, Lyu Z, Ortega MT, Joshi T, Mao J, Vladimirova AV, Gulevich RG, Kharlamova AV, Acland GM, Hecht EE, Wang X, Clark AG, Trut LN, Behura SK, Kukekova AV.
2019 |
Некоторые особенности высшей нервной деятельности лисиц и влияние на них отбора по социальным реакциям на человека
Мухамедшина И.А., Харламова А.В., Трут Л.Н.
[Журнал высшей нервной деятельности]
Поведение доместицируемых и агрессивных лисиц в ситуации выбора между разными количествами кусочков пищи.
Мухамедшина И.А., Харламова А.В., Трут Л.Н.
[Журнал высшей нервной деятельности]
2018 |
Anterior Pituitary Transcriptome Suggests Differences in ACTH Release in Tame and Aggressive Foxes
Hekman J.P., Johnson J.L., Edwards W., Vladimirova A.V., Gulevich R.G., Ford A.L., Kharlamova A.V., Herbeck Yu.E., Acland G.M., Raetzman L.T., Trut L.N., Kukekova A.V.
[G3-Genes Genomes Genetics]
Dental size reduction in tame Russian silver foxes and its implications for the 'self-domestication' model in hominin evolution
Wood E.K., Maddux S.D., Southard T.E., Kharlamova A.V., Trut L.N., Franciscus R.G.
Genomic responses to selection for tame/aggressive behaviors in the silver fox (Vulpes vulpes).
Wang X, Pipes L, Trut LN, Herbeck Y, Vladimirova AV, Gulevich RG, Kharlamova AV, Johnson JL, Acland GM, Kukekova AV, Clark AG.
Red fox genome assembly identifies genomic regions associated with tame and aggressive behaviours.
Kukekova AV, Johnson JL, Xiang X, Feng S, Liu S, Rando HM, Kharlamova AV, Herbeck Y, Serdyukova NA, Xiong Z, Beklemischeva V, Koepfli KP, Gulevich RG, Vladimirova AV, Hekman JP, Perelman PL, Graphodatsky AS, O'Brien SJ, Wang X, Clark AG, Acland GM, Trut LN, Zhang G.
2017 |
Genetics of Interactive Behavior in Silver Foxes (Vulpes vulpes)
Nelson RM., Temnykh SV., Johnson JL., Kharlamova AV., Vladimirova AV., Gulevich RG., Shepeleva DV., Oskina IN., Acland GM., Ronnegard L., Trut LN., Carlborg J., Kukekova AV.
Об отборе лисиц по поведению: параллельны ли коррелированные последствия отбора на агрессивность и доместикацию.
Трут Л.Н., Харламова А.В., Владимирова А.В., Гербек Ю.Э.
[Vavilov journal of genetics and breeding]
2016 |
Georgian white coat color of red fox (Vulpes vulpes) maps to fox chromosome 2 in the region containing KIT gene
Anna V. Kukekova*, Jennifer L. Johnson*, Anastasiya V. Kharlamova†, Anastasiya V. Vladimirova†, Darya V. Shepeleva†, Rimma G. Gulevich† and Lyudmila N. Trut†
2015 |
Genotyping-by-sequencing (GBS) detects genetic structure and confirms behavioral QTL in tame and aggressive foxes (Vulpes vulpes).
JL Johnson; H Wittgenstein; SE Mitchell; KE Hyma; SV Temnykh; A V Kharlamova; RG Gulevich; A V Vladimirova; HW Flora Fong; GM Acland; LN Trut; AV Kukekova
[PloS One]
Platinum coat color in red fox (Vulpes vulpes) is caused by a mutation in an autosomal copy of KIT.
Johnson JL, Kozysa A, Kharlamova AV, Gulevich RG, Perelman PL, Fong HW, Vladimirova AV, Oskina IN, Trut LN, Kukekova AV.
Selection for tameness, a key behavioral trait of domestication, increases adult hippocampal neurogenesis in foxes.
Huang S, Slomianka L, Farmer AJ, Kharlamova AV, Gulevich RG, Herbeck YE, Trut LN, Wolfer DP, Amrein I.
2014 |
Изменяет ли отбор лисиц на доместикацию и агрессивность их способность концентрировать внимание и формировать двигательный навык?
Мухамедшина И.А., Харламова А.В., Трут Л.Н.
2013 |
Доместицируемые лисицы: молекулярно-генетические механизмы, вовлекаемые в отбор по поведению.
Трут Л.Н., Гербек Ю.Э., Харламова А.В., Гулевич Р.Г., Кукекова А.В.
[Vavilov journal of genetics and breeding]
2012 |
Effects of selection for tame behavior, human approach mode and sex on vocalization in silver fox
Gogoleva S., Volodin I., Volodina E., Kharlamova A., Trut L.
Кролики шиншиллы и ручные лисы.
Пыльник О.П., Харламова А.В., Трапезов О.В.
[Кролиководство и звероводство]
2011 |
Explosive vocal activity for attracting human attention is related to domestication in silver fox
Gogoleva SS, Volodin IA, Volodina EV, Kharlamova AV, Trut LN.
On the origin of a domesticated species: Identifying the parent population of Russian silver foxes (Vulpes vulpes)
Statham MJ, Trut LN, Sacks BN, Kharlamova AV, Oskina IN, Gulevich RG, Johnson JL, Temnykh SV, Acland GM, Kukekova AV.
Sequence comparison of prefrontal cortical brain transcriptome from a tame and an aggressive silver fox (Vulpes vulpes)
Kukekova AV, Johnson JL, Teiling C, Li L, Oskina IN, Kharlamova AV, Gulevich RG, Padte R, Dubreuil MM, Vladimirova AV, Shepeleva DV, Shikhevich SG, Sun Q, Ponnala L, Temnykh SV, Trut LN, Acland GM.
2010 |
Directional asymmetry in the limbs, skull and pelvis of the silver fox (V. vulpes)
A V. Kharlamova, L N. Trut , K Chase, A V. Kukekova, K G. Lark
Mapping loci for fox domestication: deconstruction/reconstruction of a behavioral phenotype
Kukekova AV, Trut LN, Chase K, Kharlamova AV, Johnson JL, Temnykh SV, Oskina IN, Gulevich RG, Vladimirova AV, Klebanov S., Shepeleva DV, Shikhevich SG, Acland GM, Lark KG.
Sign and strength of emotional arousal: vocal correlates of positive and negative attitude to human in silver foxes (Vulpes vulpes)
S.S. Gogoleva, I.A. Volodin, E.V. Volodina, A.V. Kharlamova, L.N. Trut
The gradual vocal responses to human-provoked discomfort in farmed silver foxes
S.S. Gogoleva, I.A. Volodin, E.V. Volodina, A.V. Kharlamova, L.N. Trut
Vocalization toward conspecifics in silver foxes (Vulpes vulpes) selected for tame or aggressive behavior toward humans
S.S. Gogoleva, I.A. Volodin, E.V. Volodina, A.V. Kharlamova, L.N. Trut
2009 |
Animal evolution during domestication: the domesticated fox as a model
L. Trut, I. Oskina, A. Kharlamova
Kind granddaughters of angry grandmothers: The effect of domestication on vocalization in cross-bred silver foxes
S.S. Gogoleva, I.A. Volodina, E.V. Volodina, A.V. Kharlamova, L.N. Trut
2008 |
Fox farm experiment: hunting for behavioral genes
Kukekova A.V., Oskina I.N., Kharlamova A.V., Chase K., Temnykh S.V., Johnson J.L., Pivovarova I.V., Shepeleva D.V., Vladimirova A., Semenova T.I., Gulevich R.G., Schikhevich S.G., Graphodatsky A.S., Aguirre G.D., Erb H.N., Lark K.G., Acland G.M., Trut
[Информационный вестник ВОГИС]
Fox farm experiment: hunting for behavioral genes
Kukekova A.V., Oskina I.N., Kharlamova A.V., Chase K., Temnykh S.V., Johnson J.L., Pivovarova I.V., Shepeleva D.V., Vladimirova A., Semenova T.I., Gulevich R.G., Schikhevich S.G., Graphodatsky A.S., Aguirre G.D., Erb H.N., Lark K.G., Acland G.M., Trut
[Информационный вестник ВОГИС]
Measurement of Segregating Behaviors in Experimental Silver Fox Pedigrees
Kukekova AV., Trut LN, Chase K., Shepeleva DV., Vladimirova AV., Kharlamova AV., Oskina IN., Stepika A., Klebanov S., Erb HN., Acland GM.
Measurement of segregating behaviors in experimental silver fox pedigrees
Kukekova AV, Trut LN, Chase K, Shepeleva DV, Vladimirova AV, Kharlamova AV, Oskina IN, Stepika A, Klebanov S, Erb HN, Acland GM.
А если вы споете, а может быть залаете…
Гоголева С., Володина Е., Володин И., Харламова А., Трут Л.
[Наука и Жизнь]
Сопоставление вариации параметров скелетной системы лисиц (Vulpes vulpes), отбираемых по поведению, и собак (Canis familiaris)
Харламова А.В., Чейз К., Ларк К.Г., Трут Л.Н.
[Информационный вестник ВОГИС]
2007 |
A meiotic linkage map of the silver fox, aligned and compared to the canine genome
A.V. Kukekova, L.N. Trut, I.N. Oskina, J.L. Johnson, S.V. Temnikh, A.V.Kharlamova, D.V. Shepeleva, R.G. Gulievich, S.G. Shikhevich, A.S.Graphodatsky, G.D. Aguirre, G.M. Acland
Genetic regulation of canine skeletal traits: trade-offs between the hind limbs and forelimbs in the fox and dog
A.V. Kharlamova, L.N. Trut, D.R. Carrier, K. Chase, K.G. Lark
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