Accounting System of Scientific Activity (ASSA)


Vladimir Solovyov

Is not an employee of the Institute
Department: Laboratory of Legume Genetics and Evolution
Room: 1202, 1114
Email: sol_vlad@bionet.nsc.ru
Work phone: +7 (383) 363-49-63*1202


2022 Estimating range disjunction time of the Palaearctic Admirals (Limenitis L.) with COI and histone H1 genes
Solovyev V.I., Dubatolov V.V., Vavilova V.Y., Kosterin O.E.
2018 Cryptic divergences in the genus Pisum L. (peas), as revealed by phylogenetic analysis of plastid genomes
Bogdanova V.S., Mglinets A.V., Shatskaya N.V., Kosterin O.E., Solovyev V.I., Vasiliev G.V.
2017 Odonata found in mid-summer 2015 and 2016 at the north-westernmost Black Sea Coast of the Caucasus, with the first record of Cordulegaster picta Selys, 1854 in Russian Federation
Kosterin O.E., Solovyev V.I.
[International Dragonfly Fund Report]
2015 Genetic integrity of four species of Leptidea (Pieridae, Lepidoptera) as sampled in sympatry in West Siberia
Solovyev V.I., Ilinsky Y., Kosterin O.E.
Range of a Palearctic uraniid moth Eversmannia exornata (Lepidoptera: Uraniidae: Epipleminae) was split in the Holocene, as evaluated using histone H1 and COI genes with reference to the Beringian disjunction in the genus Oreta (Lepidoptera: Drepanidae).
Solovyev V.I., Bogdanova V.S., Dubatolov V.V., Kosterin O.E.
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