Accounting System of Scientific Activity (ASSA)


Igor Rogozin

Is not an employee of the Institute
Department: Laboratory of Gene Engineering
Room: Дистанционная работа
Email: ibrogozin@gmail.com


2020 Recombination Events in Leishmania donovani: Mining Population Data
Rogozin IB, Charyyeva A, Sidorenko IA, Babenko VN, Yurchenko V
[Pathogens and Disease]
2015 Disruption of Transcriptional Coactivator Sub1 Leads to Genome-Wide Re-distribution of Clustered Mutations Induced by APOBEC in Active Yeast Gene
Lada AG, Kliver SF, Dhar A, Polev DE, Masharsky AE, Rogozin IB, Pavlov YI.
2013 Соматические мутации в гене цитохрома b митохондриальной ДНК гиппокампа крыс линии Wistar
Лощенова П.С., Рогозин И. Б., Роцкая У.Н., Малярчук Б.А., Невинский Г.А., Синицына О. И.
[Экологическая генетика]
2011 Tandem termination signal in plant mRNA
Kochetov A.V., Volkova O.A., Poliakov A., Dubchak I., Rogozin I.B.
2010 High frequency of somatic mutations in rat liver mitochondrial DNA
Rotskaya U.N, Rogozin IB, Vasyunina EA, Malyarchuk BA, Nevinsky GA, Sinitsyna OI.
2009 Анализ спектров соматических мутаций митохондриальной ДНК крыс линий OXYS и WISTAR
Роцкая У. Н., Рогозин И. Б., Васюнина Е. А., Колосова Н.Г., Невинский Г. А., Синицына О. И.
2008 A Dual Origin of the Xist Gene from a Protein-Coding Gene and a Set of Transposable Elements
E.A. Elisaphenko, N.N. Kolesnikov, A.I. Shevchenko, I.B. Rogozin, T.B. Nesterova, N. Brockdorff, S.M. Zakian
[PloS One]
Identification of murine B cell lines that undergo somatic hypermutation focused to A:T and G:C residues
Bhattacharya P., Grigera F., Rogozin I.B., McCarty T., Morse H.C. III, Kenter A.L.
Молекулярные основы закона рядов гомологической изменчивости Н.И.Вавилова
Рогозин И.Б., Глазко В.И., Кунин Е.В.
[Информационный вестник ВОГИС]
2007 Completion of the mapping of transcription start sites for the five-gene block subgenomic RNAs of beet yellows closterovirus and identification of putative subgenomic promoters
Vitushkina M.V., Rogozin I.B., Jelkmann W., Koonin E.V., Agranovsky A.A.
Evolution and diversification of lamprey antigen receptors: evidence for involvement of an AID-APOBEC family cytosine deaminase
Rogozin IB, Iyer LM, Liang L, Glazko GV, Liston VG, Pavlov YI, Aravind L, Pancer Z.
Воплощение классических механизмов мутагенеза у про- и эукариот в гипермутагенезе и иммунном ответе у позвоночных
Лада А.Г., Иер Л.М., Рогозин И.Б., Аравинд Л., Павлов Ю.И.
2006 Roles of DNA polymerases in replication, repair, and recombination in eukaryotes
Pavlov YI, Shcherbakova PV, Rogozin IB
Signs of positive selection of somatic mutations in human cancers detected by EST sequence analysis
Babenko VN, Basu MK, Kondrashov FA, Rogozin IB, Koonin EV.
2005 Analysis of evolution of exon-intron structure of eukaryotic genes
Rogozin IB, Sverdlov AV, Babenko VN, Koonin EV
Conservation versus parallel gains in intron evolution
Sverdlov AV, Rogozin IB, Babenko VN, Koonin EV
2004 Preferential loss and gain of introns in 3' portions of genes suggests a reverse-transcription mechanism of intron insertion
Sverdlov AV, Babenko VN, Rogozin IB, Koonin EV
Prevalence of intron gain over intron loss in the evolution of paralogous gene families
Babenko VN, Rogozin IB, Mekhedov SL, Koonin EV
Reconstruction of ancestral protosplice sites
Sverdlov AV, Rogozin IB, Babenko VN, Koonin EV
2003 Computational analysis of mutation spectra
Rogozin IB, Babenko VN, Milanesi L, Pavlov YI
Evidence of splice signal migration from exon to intron during intron evolution
Sverdlov AV, Rogozin IB, Babenko VN, Koonin EV
1999 Use of a rank correlation coefficient for comparing mutational spectra
Babenko VN, Rogozin IB
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