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Andrey Polyakov, Cand. Sci. (Biol.)

Is not an employee of the Institute
Department: Laboratory of Recombination and Segregation Analysis
Position: Senior Researcher
Room: 1207
Email: polyakov@bionet.nsc.ru
Work phone: +7 (383) 363-49-63*1207


2017 Study of male–mediated gene flow across a hybrid zone in the common shrew (Sorex araneus) using Y chromosome
Andrei V. Polyakov, Viktor V. Panov.
Chromosome morphometry in opisthorchiid species (Platyhelminthes, Trematoda)
Zadesenets Kira S., Polyakov Andrey V., Katokhin Alexey V., Mordvinov Viatcheslav A., Rubtsov Nikolay B.
Chromosome synapsis and recombination in male hybrids between two chromosome races of the common shrew (Sorex araneus L., Soricidae, Eulipotyphla)
Belonogova N M, Polyakov A V, Karamysheva T V, Torgasheva A A, Searle J B., Borodin P M.
2013 Phenotypic variation across chromosomal hybrid zones of the common shrew (Sorex araneus) indicates reduced gene flow
Polly P.D., Polyakov A.V., Ilyashenko V.B., Onischenko S.S., White T.A., Shchipanov N.A., Bulatova N.S., Pavlova S.V., Borodin P.M., Searle J.B
[PloS One]
2012 Chromosomal rearrangement do not seem to affect the gene flow in hybrid zones between karyotypic races of the common shrew (Sorex araneus)
Agne`s Horn, Patrick Basset, Glenn Yannic, Agata Banaszek, Pavel M. Borodin, Nina S. Bulatova, Katarzyna Jadwiszczak, Ross M. Jones, Andrei V. Polyakov, Miroslaw Ratkiewicz, Jeremy B. Searle, Nikolai A. Shchipanov, Jan Zima, Jacques Hausser
2011 Natural hybridization between extremely divergent chromosomal races of the common shrew (Sorex araneus, Soricidae, Soricomorpha): hybrid zone in Siberia
Polyakov, A. V. White, T. A. Jones, R. M. Borodin, P. M. Searle, J. B.
2010 Сравнительный анализ кариотипов Opisthorchis felineus из Западной Сибири
Поляков А.В., Катохин А.В., Бочарова Т.А., Романов К.В., Львова М.Н., Бонина О.М., Юрлова Н.И., Мордвинов В.А.
[Cибирский экологический журнал]
2009 AFLP diversity between the Novosibirsk and Tomsk chromosome races of the common shrew (Sorex araneus)
Polyakov A.V., Ilyashenko V.B., Onischenko S.S., Panov V.V., Borodin P.M.
2008 Karyotype analysis of five species of earthworms (Oligochaeta: Lumbricidae)
Kashmenskaya M.N., Polyakov A.V.
Гибридные зоны хромосомных рас обыкновенной бурозубки Западной Сибири
Поляков А.В.
[Сибирский экологический журнал]
2007 Temporal and spatial distribution of Rad51 protein in spermatocytes of the common shrew (Sorex araneus L.: Soricidae, Eulipotyphla)
T.V. Karamysheva,NM Belonogova, MI Rodionova, N.B. Rubtsov, AV Polyakov,JB Searle and P. M. Borodin
[Russian J Theriology]
2006 Identification of all pachytene bivalents in the common shrew using DAPI-staining of synaptonemal complex spreads
Belonogova NM, Karamysheva TV, Biltueva LS, Perepelov EA, Minina JM, Polyakov AV, Zhdanova NS, Rubtsov NB, Searle JB, Borodin PM
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