Accounting System of Scientific Activity (ASSA)


Arseniy Iz``Yurov

Department: Sector of the Genetics of Industrial Microorganisms
Pluralist: Laboratory of depression pharmacogenetics
Room: ВЦ к.439
Email: IzyurovAE@bionet.nsc.ru
Work phone: +7 (383) 363-61-87


2023 Effects of the Combination of the C1473G Mutation in the Tph2 Gene and Lethal Yellow Mutations in the Raly-Agouti Locus on Behavior, Brain 5-HT and Melanocortin Systems in Mice
Komleva P.D., Alhalabi G., Izyurov A.E., Khotskin N.V., Kulikov A.V.
Lethal Yellow Mutation Causes Anxiety, Obsessive-compulsive Behavior and Affects the Brain Melanocortin System in Males and Females of Mice
Arseniy E. Izyurov, Alexandra V. Plyusnina, Elizabeth A. Kulikova, Alexander V. Kulikov, Nikita V. Khotskin
Изменения уровня мРНК генов Tph1, Tph2, активности триптофангидроксилазы и метаболизма серотонина в мозге мышей через 5 суток после введения липополисахарида
Д. В. Щербаков, А. Б. Арефьева, П. Д. Комлева, А. Е. Изъюров, Н. В. Хоцкин , Д. В. Базовкина, А. В. Куликов
[Молекулярная биология]
2022 A Newly Identified Monoterpenoid-Based Small Molecule Able to Support the Survival of Primary Cultured Dopamine Neurons and Alleviate MPTP-Induced Toxicity <i>In Vivo</i>.
Kotliarova A, Podturkina AV, Pavlova AV, Gorina DS, Lastovka AV, Ardashov OV, Rogachev AD, Izyurov AE, Arefieva AB, Kulikov AV, Tolstikova TG, Volcho KP, Salakhutdinov NF, Sidorova Y.
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