Accounting System of Scientific Activity (ASSA)


Alena Razuvaeva

Department: Laboratory of Molecular Plant Pathology
Pluralist: Laboratory of novel plant protection agents
Room: 10104
Email: RazuvaevaAV@bionet.nsc.ru
Work phone: +7 (383) 363-49-63*8624


2023 The Multiple Mitotic Roles of the ASPM Orthologous Proteins: Insight into the Etiology of ASPM-Dependent Microcephaly
Alyona V. Razuvaeva, Lucia Graziadio, Valeria Palumbo, Gera A. Pavlova, Julia V. Popova, Alexey V. Pindyurin, Silvia Bonaccorsi, Maria Patrizia Somma, Maurizio Gatti.
Видовая идентификация паутинных клещей (Tetranychidae: Tetranychinae): обзор методов
Разуваева А.В., Ульянова Е.Г., Сколотнева Е.С., Андреева И.В.
[Vavilov journal of genetics and breeding]
2022 Genetic control of kinetochore-driven microtubule growth in Drosophila mitosis
Popova JV, Pavlova GA, Razuvaeva AV, Yarinich LA, Andreyeva EN, Anders AF, Galimova YA, Renda F, Somma MP, Pindyurin AV, Gatti M.
2019 RNAi-mediated depletion of the NSL complex subunits leads to abnormal chromosome segregation and defective centrosome duplication in Drosophila mitosis
Pavlova GA, Popova JV, Andreyeva EN, Yarinich LA, Lebedev MO, Razuvaeva AV, Dubatolova TD, Oshchepkova AL, Pellacani C, Somma MP, Pindyurin AV, Gatti M.
The role of Patronin in Drosophila mitosis
Pavlova GA, Razuvaeva AV, Popova JV, Andreyeva EN, Yarinich LA, Lebedev MO, Pellacani C, Bonaccorsi S, Somma MP, Gatti M, Pindyurin AV
[BMC Mol Cell Biol]
2016 Accurate measurement of poleward microtubule flux in the spindle of Drosophila S2 cells
Munzarova A, Popova J, Razuvaeva A, Shloma V, Gatti M, Omelyanchuk L
Factors governing the pattern of spindle microtubule regrowth after tubulin depolymerization
Pavlova GA, Galimova YuA, Popova YuV, Munzarova AF, Razuvaeva AV, Alekseeva AL, Berkaeva MB, Pindyurin AV, Somma MP, Gatti M, Renda F
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