Accounting System of Scientific Activity (ASSA)


Anna Korotkova

Department: Laboratory of Molecular Plant Pathology
Room: 3309, 3306
Email: korotkova@bionet.nsc.ru
Work phone: +7 (383) 363-49-63*3309


2024 Accumulation of anthocyanin in the aleurone of barley grains by targeted restoration of the MYC2 gene
Egorova A. A., Zykova T. E., Hertig C. W., Hoffie I., Morozov S. V., Chernyak E. I., Rogachev A. D., Korotkova A. M., Vikhorev A. V., Vasiliev G. V., Shoeva O. Y., Kumlehn J., Gerasimova S. V., Khlestkina E. K.
Germination and Growth Characteristics of nud Knockout and win1 Knockout Barley Lines under Salt Stress
Antonova, E.V.; Shimalina, N.S.; Korotkova, A.M.; Kolosovskaya, E.V.; Gerasimova, S.V.; Khlestkina, E.K.
Апробация STS-маркера к гену Nud1 для отбора голозерных гибридов ячменя
Короткова А.М., Кукоева Т.В., Тоцкий И.В., Григорьев Ю.Н., Шоева О.Ю.
[Биотехнология и селекция растений]
2023 WAX INDUCER 1 Regulates β-Diketone Biosynthesis by Mediating Expression of the Cer-cqu Gene Cluster in Barley
Gerasimova, S.V.; Kolosovskaya, E.V.; Vikhorev, A.V.; Korotkova, A.M.; Hertig, C.W.; Genaev, M.A.; Domrachev, D.V.; Morozov, S.V.; Chernyak, E.I.; Shmakov, N.A.; Vasiliev, G.V.; Kochetov, A.V.; Kumlehn, J.; Khlestkina, E.K.
2022 Seedling Biometry of nud Knockout and win1 Knockout Barley Lines under Ionizing Radiation
Antonova E.V., Shimalina N.S., Korotkova A.M., Kolosovskaya E.V., Gerasimova S.V., Khlestkina E.K.
2020 Conversion of hulled into naked barley by Cas endonuclease-mediated knockout of the NUD gene
Sophia V. Gerasimova, Christian Hertig, Anna M. Korotkova, Ekaterina V. Kolosovskaya, Ingrid Otto, Stefan Hiekel, Alex V. Kochetov, Elena K. Khlestkina, Jochen Kumlehn
2019 Current achievements in modifying crop genes using CRISPR/Cas system
A.M. Korotkova, S.V. Gerasimova, E.K. Khlestkina.
[Vavilov journal of genetics and breeding]
2018 Converting Hulled into Naked Barley through Targeted Knock-Out of the Nud1 Gene
S. Gerasimova, C. Hertig, A. Korotkova, I. Otto, S. Hiekel, A. Kochetov, J. Kumlehn, E. Khlestkina
Targeted genome modification in protoplasts of a highly regenerable Siberian barley cultivar using RNA-guided Cas9 endonuclease
S.V. Gerasimova, A.M. Korotkova, C. Hertig, S. Hiekel, R. Hoffie, N. Budhagatapalli, I. Otto, G. Hensel, V.K. Shumny, A.V. Kochetov, J. Kumlehn, E.K. Khlestkina
[Vavilov journal of genetics and breeding]
2017 Crop genes modified using the CRISPR/Cas system
Korotkova A.M., Gerasimova S.V., Shumny V.K., Khlestkina E.K.
[Russian Journal of Genetics: Applied Research]
Гены сельскохозяйственных растений, модифицированные с помощью системы CRISPR/Cas.
Короткова А.М., Герасимова С.В., Шумный В.К., Хлесткина Е.К.
[Vavilov journal of genetics and breeding]
2011 Functional Analysis of the Xist Promoter Region in Mouse Mus musculus
A. M. Korotkova, E. A. Elisaphenko, and S. M. Zakian
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