Accounting System of Scientific Activity (ASSA)


Elena Korbolina

Department: Laboratory of Gene Expression Regulation
Room: 4104
Email: lungry@bionet.nsc.ru
Work phone: +7 (383) 363-49-63*4101


2023 Human-genome single nucleotide polymorphisms affecting transcription factor binding and their role in pathogenesis
E.V. Antontseva , A.O. Degtyareva, E.E. Korbolina, I.S. Damarov, T.I. Merkulova
[Vavilov journal of genetics and breeding]
Однонуклеотидные замены в геноме человека, влияющие на связывание факторов транскрипции, и их роль в развитии патологий
Е. В. Антонцева, А. О. Дегтярева, Е. Е. Корболина, И. С. Дамаров, Т. И. Меркулова
[Vavilov journal of genetics and breeding]
2022 The functional insight into the genetics of cardiovascular disease: results from the post-GWAS study
L.O. Bryzgalov, E.E. Korbolina, I.S. Damarov, T.I. Merkulova
[Vavilov journal of genetics and breeding]
2021 A Panel of rSNPs Demonstrating Allelic Asymmetry in Both ChIP-seq and RNA-seq Data and the Search for Their Phenotypic Outcomes through Analysis of DEGs
Elena E Korbolina, Leonid O Bryzgalov, Diana Z Ustrokhanova, Sergey N Postovalov, Dmitry V Poverin, Igor S Damarov, Tatiana I Merkulova
2020 Accessing the impact of functional variants on human phenotypes by transcriptome analysis in individuals carrying different rSNP alleles
Korbolina Elena, Bryzgalov Leonid, Postovalov Sergey, Nedelko Victor, Berikov Vladimir, Merkulova Tatiana
[IEEE Xplore digital library]
On the Relationship between Regulatory and Exomic DNA Markers
Postovalov Sergey, Berikov Vladimir, Bryzgalov Leonid, Korbolina Elena
[IEEE Xplore digital library]
2018 Novel Approach to Functional SNPs Discovery from Genome-Wide Data Reveals Promising Variants for Colon Cancer Risk
Elena E. Korbolina, Ilja I. Brusentsov, Leonid O. Bryzgalov, Elena Yu. Leberfarb, Arina O. Degtyareva and Tatyana I. Merkulova
Novel functional variants at the GWAS-implicated loci might confer risk to major depressive disorder, bipolar affective disorder and schizophrenia.
Bryzgalov L.O., Korbolina E.E., Brusentsov I.I., Leberfarb E.Y., Bondar N.P., Merkulova T.I.
2016 Genes of susceptibility to early neurodegenerative changes in the rat retina and brain: Analysis by means of congenic strains
Korbolina E.E., Zhdankina A.А., Fursova A.Zh., Kozhevnikova O.S., Kolosova N.G.
2015 Amyloid accumulation is a late event in sporadic Alzheimer's disease-like pathology in nontransgenic rats.
Stefanova NA, Muraleva NA, Korbolina EE, Kiseleva E, Maksimova KY, Kolosova NG.
Identification of functional networks associated with cell death in the retina of OXYS rats during the development of retinopathy
Telegina DV, Korbolina EE, Ershov NI, Kolosova NG, Kozhevnikova OS.
Изменения транскриптома префронтальной коры мозга при развитии признаков болезни Альцгеймера у крыс OXYS.
Стефанова Н.А., Корболина Е.Е., Ершов Н.И., Рогаев Е.И., Колосова Н.Г.
[Vavilov journal of genetics and breeding]
2014 Application of quantitative trait locus mapping and transcriptomics to studies of the senescence-accelerated phenotype in rats.
Korbolina EE, Ershov NI, Bryzgalov LO, Kolosova NG
Senescence - Accelerated OXYS Rats: A Genetic Model of Premature Aging and Age - Related Diseases
N. G. Kolosova, N. A. Stefanova, E. E. Korbolina, A. Zh. Fursova, and O. S. Kozhevnikova
[Adv. Gerontol]
Senescence-accelerated OXYS rats: A model of age-related cognitive decline with relevance to abnormalities in Alzheimer disease
Stefanova NA, Kozhevnikova OS, Vitovtov AO, Maksimova KY, Logvinov SV, Rudnitskaya EA, Korbolina EE, Muraleva NA, Kolosova NG.
2013 Association of AMD-like retinopathy development with an Alzheimer’s disease metabolic pathway in OXYS rats
Oyuna S. Kozhevnikova, Elena E. Korbolina, Natalia A. Stefanova, Natalia A. Muraleva, Yuriy L. Orlov, Nataliya G. Kolosova
Rat retinal transcriptome: Effects of aging and AMD-like retinopathy.
Kozhevnikova OS, Korbolina EE, Ershov NI, Kolosova NG
2012 Quantitative trait loci on chromosome 1 for cataract and AMD-like retinopathy in senescence-accelerated OXYS rats
Elena E. Korbolina, Ouyna S. Kozhevnikova, Nataliya A. Stefanova, and Natalia G. Kolosova
RatDNA: база данных микрочиповых исследований на крысах для генов, ассоциированных с заболеваниями старения
О.С. Кожевникова, М.К. Мартыщенко, М.А. Генаев, Е.E. Корболина, Н.А. Муралева, Н.Г. Колосова, Ю.Л. Орлов
[Vavilov journal of genetics and breeding]
2007 Early-life hypoxia in the development of behavioral dysfunctions in accelerated-senescence OXYS rats and its correction with antioxidants
Korbolina E.E., Agafonova I.G., Sergeeva S.V., Trofimova N.A., Mishenko N.P., Kolosova N.G.
[Adv. Gerontol]
2006 Development of behavioural dysfunctions in accelerated-senescence OXYS rats is associated with early postnatal alterations in brain phosphate metabolism
Sergeeva S.V., Bagryanskaya E.G., Korbolina E.E., Kolosova N.G.
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