Accounting System of Scientific Activity (ASSA)


Yuliya Ryabushkina

Department: Sector of Molecular Neurobiology of Stress
Room: 4103, 5208
Email: ryabushkina@bionet.nsc.ru
Work phone: +7 (383) 363-49-63*4101


2024 Effects of different types of induced neonatal inflammation on development and behavior of C57BL/6 and BTBR mice
Yuliya A. Ryabushkina, Kseniya A. Ayriyants, Anna A. Sapronova, Anastasia S. Mutovina, Maria M. Kolesnikova, Eva V. Mezhlumyan, Natalya P. Bondar*, Vasiliy V. Reshetnikov*
2023 A comparison of stress reactivity between BTBR and C57BL/6J mice: an impact of early‑life stress
Kseniya A. Ayriyants Yulia A. Ryabushkina Anna A. Sapronova Anna V. Ivanchikhina Maria M. Kolesnikova Natalya P. Bondar Vasiliy V. Reshetnikov
2022 Unique Features of the Immune Response in BTBR Mice
Мутовина Анастасия Сергеевна, Айриянц Ксения Аркадьевна, Межлумян Ева Викторовна, Рябушкина Юлия Андреевна, Литвинова Екатерина Анатольевна, Бондарь Наталья Петровна, Хантакова Юлия Николаевна, Решетников Василий Владимирович
2021 High-resolution MRI data of the brain of C57BL/6J and BTBR mice in three anatomical views
Yulia A.Ryabushkina,Oleg B.Shevelev,Polina E.Kisaretova, Nikita G.Sozonov, Kseniya A.Ayriyants, Natalya P.Bondar, Vasiliy V.Reshetnikov
[Data in Brief]
Sex-specific behavioral and structural alterations caused by early-life stress in C57BL/6 and BTBR mice
Vasiliy V.Reshetnikov, Kseniya A.Ayriyants,Yulia A.Ryabushkina, Nikita G.Sozonov, Natalya P.Bondar
2020 Impact of mothers' experience and early‐life stress on aggression and cognition in adult male mice
Vasiliy V. Reshetnikov, Yulia A. Ryabushkina,Natalia P. Bondar
Maternal Separation Early in Life Alters the Expression of Genes Npas4 and Nr1d1 in Adult Female Mice: Correlation with Social Behavior
Yuliya A. Ryabushkina, Vasiliy V. Reshetnikov, Natalya P. Bondar
Repeated and single maternal separation specifically alter microglial morphology in the prefrontal cortex and neurogenesis in the hippocampus of 15-day-old male mice
Reshetnikov Vasiliy; Ryabushkina Yulia; Kovner Anna; Lepeshko Arina; Bondar Natalia
2018 Consequences of early life stress on genomic landscape of H3K4me3 in prefrontal cortex of adult mice
Nikita I. Ershov, Natalya P. Bondar, Arina A. Lepeshko, Vasiliy V. Reshetnikov, Julia A. Ryabushkina, Tatiana I. Merkulova
The impact of early-life stress on the expression of HPA-associated genes in the adult murine brain
V.V. Reshetnikov, A.A. Studenikina, J.A. Ryabushkina, T.I. Merkulova, N.P. Bondar
The long-term effects of early postnatal stress on cognitive abilities and expression of genes of the glutamatergic system in mice
V. V. Reshetnikov, A. A. Lepeshko, Yu. A. Ryabushkina, A. A. Studenikina, T. I. Merkulova, N. P. Bondar
Отсроченные эффекты раннего постнатального стресса на когнитивные способности и экспрессию генов глутаматергической системы у мышей
В В Решетников, А А Лепешко, Ю А Рябушкина, А А Студеникина, Т И Меркулова, Н П Бондарь
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