2024 |
Scans for Signatures of Selection in Genomes of Wagyu and Buryat Cattle Breeds Reveal Candidate Genes and Genetic Variants for Adaptive Phenotypes and Production Traits
Alexander V. Igoshin, Grigorii A. Romashov, Andrey A. Yurchenko, Nikolay S. Yudin, Denis M. Larkin
2022 |
Resequencing the Yaroslavl cattle genomes reveals signatures of selection and a rare haplotype on BTA28 likely to be related to breed phenotypes
Ruvinskiy D.E., Igoshin A.V., Yurchenko A.A., Ilina A.V., Larkin D.M.
2021 |
Copy number variants in genomes of local sheep breeds from Russia
A.V. Igoshin, T.E. Deniskova, A.A. Yurchenko, N.S. Yudin, A.V. Dotsev, M.I. Selionova, N.A. Zinovieva, D.M. Larkin
Whole-Genome Resequencing Points to Candidate DNA Loci Affecting Body Temperature under Cold Stress in Siberian Cattle Populations
Alexander Igoshin, Nikolay Yudin, Ruslan Aitnazarov, Andrey A. Yurchenko, Denis M. Larkin
Yurchenko A.A., Karagodin D.A., Masri R.A., Smith R.C., Gordeev M.I., Sharakhova M.V. The new Internal Transcribed Spacer 2 diagnostic tool clarifies the taxonomic position and geographic distribution of the North American malaria vector Anopheles punctipennis
Hodge J.M.
Yurchenko A.A.
Karagodin D.A.
Masri R.A.
Smith R.C.
Gordeev M.I.
Sharakhova M.V.
2020 |
Chromosome and Genome Divergence between the Cryptic Eurasian Malaria Vector-Species Anopheles messeae and Anopheles daciae
Naumenko A. N.,
Karagodin D. A.,
Yurchenko A. A.,
Moskaev A. V.,
Martin O. I.,
Baricheva E. M.,
Sharakhov I. V.,
Gordeev M. I.,
Sharakhova M. V.
Genomic differentiation and intercontinental population structure of mosquito vectors Culex pipiens pipiens and Culex pipiens molestus
Yurchenko A. A.,
Masri R. A.,
Khrabrova N. V.,
Sibataev A. K.,
Fritz M. L.,
Sharakhova M. V.
Resequencing and signatures of selection scan in two Siberian native sheep breeds point to candidate genetic variants for adaptation and economically important traits
J. Sweet‐Jones, A. A. Yurchenko, A. V. Igoshin, N. S. Yudin, M. T. Swain, D. M. Larkin
2019 |
Exome-wide search and functional annotation of genes associated in patients with severe tick-borne encephalitis in a Russian population
Ignatieva E.V., Yurchenko A.A., Voevoda M.I., Yudin N.S.
Exome-wide survey of the Siberian Caucasian population
Yurchenko A.A., Yudin N.S., Voevoda M.I.
High-density genotyping reveals signatures of selection related to acclimation and economically important traits in 15 local sheep breeds from Russia
Yurchenko A.A., Deniskova T.E., Yudin N.S., Dotsev A.V., Khamiruev T.N., Selionova M.I., Egorov S.V., Reyer H., Wimmers K., Brem G., Zinovieva N.A., Larkin D.M.
2018 |
A matrix metalloproteinase 9 (MMP9) gene single nucleotide polymorphism is associated with predisposition to tick-borne encephalitis virus-induced severe central nervous system disease
Barkhash A.V., Yurchenko A.A., Yudin N.S., Ignatieva E.V., Kozlova I.V., Borishchuk I.A., Pozdnyakova L.L., Voevoda M.I., Romaschenko A.G.