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Anastasiya Glagoleva

Is not an employee of the Institute
Department: Scientific Educational Department
Room: 3105, 3309, 3114
Email: glagoleva@bionet.nsc.ru
Work phone: +7 (383) 363-49-63*3120


2024 Polyphenol oxidase genes in barley (Hordeum vulgare L.): functional activity with respect to black grain pigmentation
Glagoleva A.Y., Kukoeva T.V., Khlestkina E.K., Shoeva O.Y.
[Frontiers in Plant Science]
2023 Determination of the melanin and anthocyanin content in barley grains by digital image analysis using machine learning methods
E.G. Komyshev, M.A. Genaev, I.D. Busov, M.V. Kozhekin, N.V. Artemenko, A.Y. Glagoleva, V.S. Koval, D.A. Afonnikov
[Vavilov journal of genetics and breeding]
2022 Effects of Combining the Genes Controlling Anthocyanin and Melanin Synthesis in the Barley Grain on Pigment Accumulation and Plant Development
Anastasiya Glagoleva, Tatjana Kukoeva, Sergey Mursalimov, Elena Khlestkina, Olesya Shoeva
Features of activity of the phenylpropanoid biosynthesis pathway in melanin-accumulating barley grains
Anastasiia Y. Glagoleva, Alexander V. Vikhorev, Nikolay A. Shmakov, Sergey V. Morozov, Elena I. Chernyak, Gennady V. Vasiliev, Natalia V. Shatskaya, Elena K. Khlestkina, Olesya Y. Shoeva
[Frontiers in Plant Science]
Изучение разнообразия окраски зерновки ячменя в коллекции ВИР
А.Ю. Глаголева, Л.А. Новокрещёнов, О.Ю. Шоева, О.Н. Ковалева, Е.К. Хлесткина
[Труды по прикладной ботанике, генетике и селекции]
2021 Black seed color of the spring common vetch (Vicia sativa L.) cultivar Obskaya 16 is caused by blue anthocyanins accumulating in macrosclereids
S.R. Mursalimov , A.V. Goncharova, A.Yu. Glagoleva, O.Yu. Shoeva
[Письма в Вавиловский журнал генетики и селекции]
Chlorophyll deficiency delays but does not prevent melanogenesis in barley seed melanoplasts
S. Mursalimov, A. Glagoleva, E. Khlestkina, O. Shoeva
Effects of the Blp1 locus, which controls melanin accumulation in the barley ear, on the size and weight of seeds
Шоева О.Ю., Глаголева А.Ю., Кукоева Т.В.
[Труды по прикладной ботанике, генетике и селекции]
NLR Genes Related Transcript Sets in Potato Cultivars Bearing Genetic Material of Wild Mexican Solanum Species
Kochetov A.V., Afonnikov D.A., Shmakov N.A., Vasiliev G.V., Antonova O.Y., Shatskaya N.V., Glagoleva A.Y., Ibragimova S.M., Khiutti A., Afanasenko O.S., Gavrilenko T.A.
2020 Melanin Pigment in Plants: Current Knowledge and Future Perspectives
Anastasiia Y. Glagoleva, Olesya Y. Shoeva, Elena K. Khlestkina
[Frontiers in Plant Science]
Melanin formation in barley grain occurs within plastids of pericarp and husk cells
Olesya Yu. Shoeva, Sergey R. Mursalimov, Natalya V. Gracheva, Anastasiya Yu. Glagoleva, Andreas Börner, Elena K. Khlestkina
The mechanism of potato resistance to Globodera rostochiensis: comparison of root transcriptomes of resistant and susceptible Solanum phureja genotypes
Alex V. Kochetov, Anastasiya A. Egorova, Anastasiya Y. Glagoleva, Kseniya V. Strygina, Elena K. Khlestkina, Sophia V. Gerasimova, Natalja V. Shatskaya, Gennady V. Vasilyev, Dmitry A. Afonnikov, Nikolay A. Shmakov, Olga Y. Antonova, Natalia V. Alpatyeva, Alexander Khiutti, Olga S. Afanasenko and Tatjana A. Gavrilenko
2019 Organization and evolution of the chalcone synthase gene family in bread wheat and relative species
Anastasia Y. Glagoleva, Nikita V. Ivanisenko, Elena K. Khlestkina
Purple-grained barley (Hordeum vulgareL.):marker-assisted development of NILs for investigating peculiarities of the anthocyanin biosynthesis regulatory network
Gordeeva EI, Glagoleva AYu, Kukoeva TV, Khlestkina EK, Shoeva OYu
2017 Differential expression of NBS-LRR-encoding genes in the root transcriptomes of two Solanum phureja genotypes with contrasting resistance to Globodera rostochiensis
Alex V. Kochetov, Anastasiya Y. Glagoleva, Kseniya V. Strygina, Elena K. Khlestkina, Sophia V. Gerasimova, Salmaz M. Ibragimova, Natalja V. Shatskaya, Gennady V. Vasilyev, Dmitry A. Afonnikov, Nikolay A. Shmakov, Olga Y. Antonova, Tatyana A. Gavrilenko, Natalia V. Alpatyeva, Alexander Khiutti, Olga S. Afanasenko
Metabolic pathways and genes identified by RNA-seq analysis of barley near-isogenic lines differing by allelic state of the Black lemma and pericarp (Blp) gene
Anastasiya Y. Glagoleva, Nikolay A. Shmakov, Olesya Y. Shoeva, Gennady V. Vasiliev, Natalia V. Shatskaya, Andreas Börner, Dmitry A. Afonnikov, Elena K. Khlestkina
Glagoleva A.Y., Shmakov N.A., Shoeva O. Y., Vasiliev G.V., Shatskaya N.V., Börner A., Afonnikov D.A., Khlestkina E.K.
[Acta Naturae]
The factors affecting the evolution of the anthocyanin biosynthesis pathway genes in monocot and dicot plant species
Shoeva O.Yu., Glagoleva A.Yu., Khlestkina E.K.
2016 Структурно-функциональная дивергенция гомеологичных генов в аллополиплоидном геноме растений
Глаголева А.Ю., Шоева О.Ю., Хлесткина Е.К.
[Vavilov journal of genetics and breeding]
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