Genome-wide association study and scan for signatures of selection point to candidate genes for body temperature maintenance under the cold stress in Siberian cattle populations Alexander V. Igoshin, Andrey A. Yurchenko, Nadezhda M. Belonogova, Dmitry V. Petrovsky, Ruslan B. Aitnazarov, Vladimir A. Soloshenko, Nikolay S. Yudin, Denis M. Larkin BMC GENET, 2019
Genome-wide genotyping uncovers genetic profiles and history of the Russian cattle breeds. Yurchenko A., Yudin N., Aitnazarov R., Plyusnina A., Brukhin V., Soloshenko V., Lhasaranov B., Popov R., Paronyan I.A., Plemyashov K.V., Larkin D.M. HEREDITY, 2018, 120(2):125-137.
Scans for signatures of selection in Russian cattle breed genomes reveal new candidate genes for environmental acclimation and adaptation Yurchenko A., Daetwyler H.D., Yudin N., Schnabel R.D., Vander Jagt C.D., Soloshenko V., Lhasaranov B., Popov R., Taylor J.F., Larkin D.M. SCI REP-UK, 2018, 8(1):12984.
Выявление генов, вовлеченных в контроль белой окраски головы, с использованием полногеномного анализа ассоциаций Юдин Н.С., Белоногова Н.М., Ларкин Д.М. Vavilov journal of genetics and breeding, 2018, Том 22, № 2, стр. 217-223.